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Comprehensive physiotherapy treatments in Springwood

Joint Mobilisation: Joints may become dysfunctional following trauma, overuse or disuse. Mobilisation is a technique used by your physiotherapist to restore normal joint movement and function and can be applied to most areas of the body. Common areas that respond well to joint mobilisation include: back, neck, shoulder, wrist / hand, ankle / foot.
Stabilisation: Stabilisation is the body’s ability to control and support the spine via deep and specific muscles. Deep core muscles support, control and move the lower spine and are often “turned off” when suffering back pain. Physiotherapists can test muscle activation and control allowing them to develop a progressive exercise program to restore dynamic stability.
Stretching: Vigorous exercise, aging, postural habits and disuse can all cause shortening of muscles and change the way we move. Lengthening muscles via stretching is an effective technique to promote flexibility and restore normal body mechanics. Your physiotherapist possesses the skills to develop a stretching program tailored to your individual needs.
Exercise Prescription: Exercise is used for strengthening to control joint movement, balance to optimise stability and endurance to improve muscle function over an extended duration. Your physiotherapist will work with you to create a home and/or gym based program to help achieve your goals, maximise your performance and compliment your individual needs.
Massage: When muscles, tendons, ligaments or other connective tissue such as facia become damaged, impaired, knotted, tense or immobile, massage is an effective healing treatment. Your therapist will employ the correct combination of gentle or strong, deep or superficial techniques to achieve the best results.
Biomechanical Analysis: Biomechanics is the study of how the body moves and the complex inter-relationship between the relevant moving parts. This understanding is vital in determining the cause of an injury and how you and your physiotherapist can work together to prevent re-occurrence.
Posture Correction: Posture is not simply how we sit or stand but rather a continuous background influence on most activities we perform. Physiotherapists are skilled at identifying and correcting postural imbalances to ensure we maximise our functional capacity and minimise the risk of injury.
Electrotherapy: Physiotherapists use electrotherapy (Ultrasound, Laser, TENS etc.) and other local modalities (Ice / Heat) to assist in pain reduction and promote healing. The short term benefits of these modalities assist with the early introduction of longer lasting techniques such as exercise prescription.
Hydrotherapy: Water based exercise is commonly used by your physiotherapist to reduce joint loading, allow freedom of movement and utilise the warmth of a therapy pool. This form of treatment is often prescribed for early post-surgical clients, arthritis sufferers or as a precursor to a gym based exercise program.
Dry Needling: This treatment approach is increasing in popularity and achieving excellent results for physiotherapists trained in this technique. Dry needling involves the use of very fine gauge needles (0.2-0.3mm diameter) which are superficially inserted directly into myofascial trigger points resulting in immediate relief or reduction of pain.

Are you looking for comprehensive physiotherapy treatments in Springwood? 
Call 07 3808 4939 today to find out more.

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